Eye-patch guy (PT K) had a new room mate, with a raspy voice (PT D). Seemed like a relatively young guy. He seemed pleasant. I reheated Mr Eye-patch's lunch and went around bringing various PTs ice water.
Yesterday spent more time with MDS lady, but only after I'd done a bunch of things in the morning. She's carefully keeping track of all her meds and therapy in notebooks and also trying to keep track of bills that are coming due. I'd already found a couple of customer service phone numbers for her to call to pay bills over the phone. She agreed that she really did need to have someone - her friend, go to her house and get mail and other things. Unfortunately, the new IV line from yesterday proved short-lived since it was slow today. Her nurse (same as yesterday, and a good one) put in a new line on her other arm. Much faster. This day this PT had to get a transfusion (can take up to 4 hours), so she couldn't have a slow line. I went down to the gift shop, having stayed later than usual, to try and find some stationary supplies for her. I could only find the small notebook. If she'd mentioned it earlier I'd have been able to go to Duane Reade and get everything, but that would have taken too long at this point.
I visited with ALL lady who, again, was doing much better. In the morning, somehow due to a misunderstanding, she'd not had breakfast so I mentioned this to the PCAs, one of whom constructed a breakfast for her from what was left. She was doing so much better and was in such good spirits. She said some very nice things to me, which, of course made me feel good. It's nice to be acknowledged. At the end of my shift I went to say good bye to her; she explained that she expected to go home soon. So, I said, I hope I don't see you next week! MDS lady expects to be here at least next Monday.
This day the MDS lady had a new room-mate, who was very aggressive and offensive. This is the third or fourth time I've seen this on this floor (only once in my other place). But, this is a normal reaction to the fear and worry of cancer. Later in the day, her doctor came to talk to her and discussed this issue and the PT became tearful and sad. It surely must be terrifying to find out you have cancer in your brain. He talked to her about ways of dealing with this. From the time line discussed, it seems like she'll still be there next week. Perhaps she'll be calmer and I'll actually be able to talk to her.
The nurse who had previously shown me procedures this day showed me a blood draw and talked me through that. All very interesting. I had a longish chat with another nurse who had not realised I was a nursing student. She told me about the summer internship program and scholarship and urged me to apply for them or at least look into those when the time comes. She'd had both and were a big help.
I saw Mr Eye-patch and his room mate a few times over the day and got his room mate tea supplies a couple of times. Another nice lady I'd spoken with a couple of times got to go home today and I talked with her while she got ready to leave. She was very pleasant (the whole time she was there) and was clearly very happy to be going home.
Re. angry reaction to cancer/impending death news: